Online language classes

curs online

Does your professional activity require more and more knowledge of English?

Can’t find time to attend a language course at our headquarters?

You don’t want to waste time on traffic on the way to the language school or you don’t have a language center in your city?

Now you can make the course you have always wanted through us, from the comfort of your home. All you need is a lap-top / tablet or even just a phone with a good internet connection.

You enter on our platform, connect with the teacher in real time and have a dialogue with your group colleagues.

The same interactive methods and the same success rate that you have become accustomed to in our center!

The introduction of new notions, explanations and then conversations and verbal interaction between students will not be missing, to help you achieve your goals!




  • online platform;
  • interactive teaching adapted to the virtual environment with experienced teachers, with special training, dynamic and involved;
  • real-time student-teacher interaction;
  • individual courses or in groups of maximum 4 students;
  • enhancing teaching time by checking homework outside the course (these will be sent through the platform before each course)
  • prompt explanations and direct conversations in the foreign language


Details about availability of free places in our groups at